And why you should jealously, jealously guard it. Life lessons from someone old enough to know better.....
Hello there, lovely readers.
I hope you are keeping well and enjoying our summer? What do you mean, you missed it? It was that Saturday the other week. You know, the day where you got sunburnt because you weren’t expecting it!
But seriously, ever the optimist, I’m keeping everything crossed that as June comes in, we start to see the summer we all deserve and need.
And of course, there’s the General Election on the 4th July (you can’t have escaped that, right?). Wouldn’t it be the best day if it turns out to be a bright, sunny July day and all the voters come out to vote in their droves. AND the right party is elected to power.
Talking of the General Election, just to let you know, I’ll be manning a polling station as a polling clerk somewhere in Cheshire East (exact location tba, currently) This will be my 5th time of manning a polling station and I have to say, it’s a privilege to help the people of Cheshire cast their vote. Daft I know, but I love seeing all the different types of people come out to vote and often you get to hear some of their stories. And the best scenario is the young, first time voter, clutching their polling card (which, incidentally, you don’t need to bring with you) who wanders in looking embarrassed and bewildered not having a clue what to do. I usually leave the desk and walk up to them, and have a quiet, discreet word with them to help guide them along the process.
Anyhow, I digress. I wanted to talk about time (and time management at this point in our lives) in this issue.
If I put it quite bluntly, my time management has always been dreadful. I’ve always excused this to myself by saying that I’m a creative (I earn my living by creating and being an ideas person) and I’m a Pisces. It’s well known the astrological sign of Pisces is quite a dreamy sign and highly creative.
So, that’s me and I’ve accepted that over the years.
BUT, one of the changes I’ve experienced since turning 60 is that I’m finding, quite subconsciously, I’m realising how valuable my time is and I’m not giving it away as much.
Working for myself, I’ve always had to have meetings with people about potentially working with/for them, and at the scheduling point (you know, where you’re trying to find a time when it’s convenient for you both to meet/talk/zoom etc) my default has been to let them make the first choice of when is convenient for them. Thankfully, I’ve never got to the stage where I move my things to fit around them, but I’ve given them the choice of day and time.
Well, NOT ANYMORE! Earlier this year, little thoughts entered my head (and I’m not sure where they came from) making me realise that my time is just as important as theirs. And any meeting/appointment I’ve had to schedule, I’ve found the best time to suit me first. I’ve found myself sending emails saying - “I could do Thursday at 10.00am.” I would NEVER have done that before.
And do you know what, I’m far more productive and, dare I say it, a bit more confident in myself for it.
And another thing I’ve gotten good at since turning 60, is how much time I devote to friends. Like my work mind processes, I’ve usually given freely of my time and fitted around them. Many times at the detriment to myself.
To quote myself earlier, NOT ANY MORE! I mean, yes, if a friend of mine is having a bad time and struggling and needs help right then, I drop everything and carve out time for them, if I possibly can.
But, generally, I choose when I reply to their texts & messages if I’m in the middle of something. And arranging meet ups to suit me. Or for example, the day that I carve out for seeing my newly widowed mother each week (my dad died in April) I don’t check my emails or answer messages until I’ve spent the time I’ve reserved for her is finished.
And I frequently ask myself, okay, so who is this new sorted and organised woman in my body? Where has she come from?
Truth is, I’m not absolutely sure. The only explanation I can offer, is that I’ve had a complete mind-shift (totally for the better) since I turned 60.
So, if you’re that side of 60, like me - I’d love to know what positive changes you’ve experienced. And if you’ve got that significant birthday to look forward (or dread, as I was), from this side of the mountain, it’s looking pretty good.
Sending love, as always
Till next time
Una x