Because the bitch called Imposter Syndrome doesn't know when to stop….
Hello There, Dear Reader
Welcome to issue #26. I hope you are well and enjoying the odd Spring-like days we are getting now?
In this issue, I’m re-visiting a topic I covered last year - Imposter Syndrome. Imho it’s a topic that although we can use processes and tools to quieten, it never actually leaves you and can raise its head at any time.
So I thought that was a good reason to re-visit it. Also, in the meantime, I ran a workshop recently at the Liverpool BizFair taking about this very thing. It was a great afternoon with some amazing people in the audience which meant an honest and supportive discussion ensued afterwards.
Therefore, I thought it might be worthwhile covering some tips I shared in the workshop. Here you go…
Research has found that Imposter Syndrome is far more widespread than we thought. Even men are now admitting to suffering from it. Research has shown that up to 82% of us suffer from it at some point, whether that’s long or short term.
As a sufferer myself, I was interested to look into the psychological aspect of why it happens, how many others suffer from it and what measures can be employed to rid yourself of it. So, during a research dive on the net, I found an article from Psychology Today that looks at the scientific explanation, with some down to earth tips about how to get over it. This worthwhile article talks about methods you can use to try and start to dismantle the stranglehold the phenomenon has on you. It suggests things such as
Strongly reflecting on your own concrete achievements. Try logging down three things you did well every evening before bed for a period of a month or two and see how you feel about yourself then.
Talking the situation over with someone you trust who is removed from the situation to get another, more balanced view of things.
There’s a whole raft of other useful information in the article, which you can read here
On thing that’s comforting about Imposter Syndrome is that it can even hit the women we tend to hold in high esteem. For instance, would you believe that Michelle Obama suffered from it when she first attended Princeton. In the article she explains how she managed to stop it from precluding her from achieving her dreams (which, given what she has achieved, makes you think she was a tad successful in this)
“I decided to put my head down and let my work speak for itself. I felt like I had something to prove because of the colour of my skin and the shape of my body, but I had to get out of my own way.” Michelle Obama
Stylist magazine recently published a list of 12 successful women in public life who admitted to suffering from Imposter Syndrome. Like Michelle above, you’ll be surprised who admits to being affected by this monster. Read the full list here
Here are some words of support and inspiration. I think this is very relevant to Imposter Syndrome, which has levels of self-esteem at it’s heart. If you’re anything like me, you don’t have much of this anyway. And given that during mid-life the hormonal roller coaster women go through, is it any wonder this bitch called Imposter Syndrome strikes when we’re possibly not firing on all cylinders.
So, if this is you, focus on the best parts of you, stuff everybody else and revel in your wins. Because, you know what, we all have loads of them - we just don’t admit it to ourselves. Give yourself a high-five, sister!
So that’s it from me. I hope this helped and you found something in it that resonated with you.
I’ll be back in a fortnight’s time.
Stay well & strong till then
Una x