Dearest Readers
I hope you are well? As I write the big news is that the country is awaiting the Prime Ministers announcement that we are due to have the much awaited General Election in the UK on 4th July.
Regardless of your politics, and I won’t go into that here, whoever inherits the running of the government, it’s very likely that whoever is successful, may, in time, suffer from a big dose of Imposter Syndrome.
Which brings me very neatly to deliver the third and final part of my series on Imposter Syndrome. This is something that I’ve battled for most of my life and have made a bit of a study of it. And I’ve found and used hacks and tips that have helped me - which I’m now sharing with you lovely readers.
As in the previous two newsletters, I’ve covered one hack that I’ve used for a while now to help steer around those dreadful negative voices that we hear when we’re pushing ourselves forward.
So, for the last tip, you can watch the video below where I outline the tip. It’s just over 2 minutes long - so something to watch on the fly ;)
I hope the video (or videos) help. If you missed any of the previous two, you can go back into the 45 Not Out newsletter archive and find the previous two newsletters and watch from there.
I’d love to hear what you think. You can reply to this newsletter and it will find me.
Wishing you all the the best with that negative chatter on your shoulder.
Till next time
Una x