Hello there, fab readers!
I hope this issue finds you well, happy and enjoying the start of 2024!
No doubt loads of you will have written down some goals for this year or even produced vision boards etc. Or you may have just made a mental note of where you’d like to be by the end of the year?
Whatever you’ve done to set an intention for 2024, I’ll bet it doesn’t include some self-care for you? Am I right? It’ll be full of stuff that you feel you should achieve, doing stuff for friends and family? Right again?
But, and it’s a well worn cliche, shouldn’t you be including some self care goals in there for you? Whether that’s carving out enough time to allow yourself to exercise properly rather than squashing it in between other things, or putting money aside for treating yourself to a spa day at some point in the future?
These can sound a bit frivolous or a bit of a luxury if money and time are tight, but trust me, they’re not. When I was a mother of young daughters (quite some years ago now) I heard something that really resonated with me:
If the woman of the household isn’t well and happy, then how can you expect the rest of the household to be?
Does that resonate with you? It might be that you don’t have children or are an empty nester etc, but the premise of the quote is the same. As the female head of the household, YOU need to be in the best place you can be to be able to look after everybody else in the household, even if it’s just the two of you or you are a single parent etc.
And that means being a bit more selfish from time to time and ignoring commitments to others to spend time and money on yourself.
I promise you, you’ll feel so much better and it will be worth it….
If you’re seeing this newsletter for the first time, then welcome! It’s great to have you subscribe and thank you for being here. But, did you know that the 45 Not Out Newsletter is just one platform under the 45 Not Out banner? The main platform for the community of fab, mid-life and older women is based in the closed 45 Not Out Facebook group and the group is the beating heart of all things 45 Not Out. If you’re not a member yet and like the cut of 45 Not Out’s jib, then you can apply to join the group here.
So, that’s a wrap on a short and sweet issue of the newsletter, but hopefully an informative one. As I’ve said before, if there’s an issue that you’d like me to cover, then just drop me a message by replying to this newsletter - it will find me.
In the meantime, stay safe, warm & well and I’ll see you next week
Take care till then
Una X