Hey There!
How are you? Holding up in this extended lockdown? Here’s hoping the 4 week extension passes quickly and that all the industries so badly affected by the pandemic - leisure, the arts, hospitality, travel - get the support they so badly need to stay afloat. If you work in any of these sectors - sending strength and love to you
So, welcome to issue #7. And this time, I thought it would be best to bring through all things inspiring. If ever there was a time that we needed it, this would be the time.
So here we go….
Trawling the net (as I do) and being a bit of a Jacinda Ardern fan, I came across an article in CNN on the lady herself - that wondrous PM of New Zealand. I knew I just had to include it in the newsletter when I was gobsmacked to read that she didn’t feel she was tough enough to enter politics, when she first started her political career. This made my jaw drop - hearing this from one of the most empowered, and, let’s face it, one of the most admired, leaders we have in the world. But doesn’t that just reinforce Jacinda’s authenticity? The fact that she’s willing to admit (to CNN, of all publications) that she felt she wouldn’t be tough enough to be effective in politics. How laughable is that? And fast forward a few years and New Zealand has the PM we all wish we had. Go Jacinda. You can read the article here
Someone else who I find inspiring is James Clear. You may already be aware of him? For years, he’s produced a weekly newsletter, stuffed to gills with inspiration and self-improvement from a psychological/behavioural aspect. And it’s not just me who finds him inspiring - he has well over 1 million newsletter subscribers. The words in the graphic above are his, and I’ve shamelessly pinched them (but I’ve done the right thing and credited him!) These short snippets of such inspiring wisdom are typical of what he publishes. And his hard work and commitment with the newsletter has paid off. A couple of years ago he published his first book, which has become something of an icon in it’s field. Atomic Habits is a worldwide bestseller but yet he still humbly publishes his newsletter each week, on a Thursday. It’s short, to the point and can put a spring in your step. If you aren’t already a subscriber, it might be worth giving it a go. Sign up here

The 45 Not Out podcast is the sister publication to this newsletter and in the most recent episode, I talk to Rachel Peru - a silver haired curve model, producer and host of Out Of The Bubble podcast, Instagram influencer and part of Platinum's magazine 50 over 50. Rachel became a curve model at the age of 46 and hasn't looked back since. In the episode she talks about how she practically "fell" into modelling, what it brings to her life and gives tips about how other women can feel great about their body and therefore, themselves. The episode is just under 30 minutes long, so one to save for that coffee/tea break :) Listen to the episode here
So there we are. The end of another 45NotOut issue. I hope it resonated with you. If it does, the please share it with people in your network who you think will enjoy it. The more we have flag-waving for our generation of amazing women, the sooner we can instigate change. And, in my book, that can’t come soon enough. So show some love and share the newsletter with those amazing people you know who will step up and join the movement. Ladies, I salute you!
In the meantime, stay safe, well & strong.
Till a fortnight’s time, then
Una x