Dear lovely readers
I hope all is well with you and yours.
This will be a quick newsletter from me. The main reason is that I’m preparing for a long and full day tomorrow Poll Clerking for a neighbouring ward in Cheshire East. And when I say a full day, it’s from 6.30am through to around 10.00pm/10.30pm. So, I need to think ahead about what I need to do and what I need to take with me.
But, rather than blathering on about me and my endeavours tomorrow, I’m just sending this missive to see how you feel about what looks to be a momentous vote tomorrow? And the fact that even though we haven’t got a lot of choice (at least that is some voters’ views) it’s still worthwhile voting.
I won’t go into the politics here - who you vote for is very much between you and the ballot box. But, even though it can be hard to make a decision, the heartfelt request from me is to actually vote. Even if you really haven’t a clue, just go with your heart (or gut) for the party that speaks to you the most.
Whoever gets in will have their work cut out and it’s likely we won’t see any improvement for some time. But hopefully, by listening to the public and diligently working away, we will start to see some green shoot of improvements over the coming months and years.
So, I’ll hand over to you guys. Because I’ve got a full day tomorrow helping other voters my postal vote has gone in. So, if you can spare time in your day, go and see the lovely staff at your local polling station and vote.
Thanks for listening (like you had a choice!). Let’s see where we end up this time on Friday.
Happy voting and much love
Una x